The Talangpaz Cause for Beatification
Decree of Validity granted to the Cause of the Beatification
The Catholic Church recognizes the heroic virtues of individuals who have lived a life of extraordinary faith and service. Mother Dionicia and Cezilla Rossa Talangpaz were declared Servants of God, marking the first step in their journey toward sainthood. Their humility, perseverance, and devotion to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de San Sebastian continue to inspire many, and their cause for beatification and canonization is actively being promoted.

Opening of the Cause of the Talangpaz Sisters: The First Step Toward Sainthood as Servants of God
The Steps to Sainthood
The process of canonization follows a structured path:
2️. Venerable (Ongoing Process)
For the sisters to be declared Venerable, the Vatican must confirm that they lived a life of heroic virtue—extraordinary faith, hope, and charity. This involves reviewing historical documents, personal testimonies, and writings about their lives.
1️. Servant of God (Completed ✅)
This title is given when the Vatican formally opens an investigation into a person's life and virtues. The Talangpaz Sisters have already been declared Servants of God, meaning the Church recognizes their life as one of faith and devotion.
4️. Saint (Canonization) – A Second Miracle Needed
To be canonized as saints, a second miracle must be attributed to their intercession after beatification. Once confirmed, they will be officially declared saints of the Catholic Church, to be venerated worldwide.
3️. Blessed (Beatification) – A Verified Miracle Needed
A miracle attributed to their intercession must be confirmed by the Church. This could be a medically unexplainable healing or an event that defies natural explanation. Once a miracle is verified, the Talangpaz Sisters will be beatified and given the title Blessed, allowing public veneration in certain areas.
How You Can Support the Cause
The faithful are encouraged to pray for the beatification of the Talangpaz Sisters and report any favors or miracles received through their intercession. Here’s how you can help:

✔ Pray for Their Intercession – Offer prayers asking for their help in personal struggles, healing, or guidance.
✔ Report Miracles & Graces – If you or someone you know has experienced an extraordinary favor through their intercession, share your testimony with the foundation.
✔ Promote Their Legacy – Spread awareness about the Talangpaz Sisters by joining prayer groups, sharing their story, or supporting initiatives dedicated to their cause.
✔ Support the Canonization Process – The process requires extensive research, documentation, and resources. Donations help continue the work towards their sainthood.
Submit a Prayer or Report Any Favors Received
Augustinian Recollect Sisters Talangpaz Foundation, Inc.
Honoring faith, service, and educational initiatives.
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Tel. (02) 87348906
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